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Fulkerson - Stevenson Funeral Home

Gladys Stenberg
9.24.1919 - February 16, 2017

Residence: Watford City, ND

Richard and Mary Stenberg (Williston, ND)
Feb 16, 2017
God bless the memory of our dear Aunt Gladys. I will cherish the memories of the short 19 years that I knew her and had opportunity to visit with her. What a sweet, dear Godly woman she was. Today, I am even more thankful that we were able to visit with her on Friday evening for a bit and get one more photo with her. Our prayers are with you all - what a blessing she was to us all. - Mary Stenberg
Joy and Dale Patten (Watford City, ND)
Feb 16, 2017
We send our heartfelt condolences to the family of Gladys. She was a special lady and will surely be missed. She has earned her rest. Peace and comfort are wished for you as you grieve her passing.
Rev Dean J Iverson (Ferndale, Washington)
Feb 16, 2017
Sharon, Carlyle, Glenda and Families: My heart is heavy as my thoughts and prayers linger over you and your families in this hard time. Gladys was a mainstay of the Farland community, especially in our growing up years. Your Mom was a godly inspiration for me as my God-Mother, and she displayed gentleness of heart. I know your grief is real, but it is not like the grief of the world that has no hope. Rest in God's sovereignty and promises to those who trust in Him (Isaiah 26:3-4). God bless the memory of your dear Mom. In Christ's comforting love, Dean.
Kristin Rhone (Watford City)
Feb 17, 2017
It was such a blessing to have Gladys at the GSH even if it was only for a short time. What a wonderfully kind lady she was and she will certainly be missed by all of the staff here. Our thoughts and prayers are with your family during this difficult time. God Bless!
Carolyn (Skari) Hockridge (Kirkland , Washington )
Feb 18, 2017
I'm so sorry to hear of the passing of Gladys. There are so many wonderful memories of Sunday school, 4-H keeping our moms company while they had "coffee " together. You are all in my prayers.
Kate Kessel (Dickinson, ND)
Feb 19, 2017
I am so sorry to learn Gladys passed away. I remember her as a gentle woman, and she always had a apron on it seemed when we visited. Even though we are sad to see her leave this earth I know she was met with open arms in Heaven by God, Chris and the family that went before her.
Kate (Leppell) Kessel - Dickinson, ND
Bea Stickland (Boise, Idaho)
Feb 19, 2017
Sharon, so sorry to hear about the loss of your Mother. Our lives change when our mothers pass and we become the "elders". Treat yourself gently and cherish your memories.
Dennis Vernon (Bismarck, ND)
Feb 19, 2017
Carlye, Sharon and Glenda, There are so many GREAT memories of your mom and your whole family. I used to really enjoy the times I spent up at the farms in my younger years!!! She was the most Godly person I knew and I can remember how kind and gentle she was!!! May out Lord and Savior be with you as you celebrate the life she lived!!!!
God Bless
Dennis Vernon