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Fulkerson - Stevenson Funeral Home

Melinda Dawn Moos Liesse
10.15.1977 - June 5, 2017

Place of Birth: Circle, Montana
Residence: Anchorage, Alaska - formerly of Circle, Montana
Age: 39

Jessica Bradley (Circle, MT)
Jun 15, 2017
My sympathies and prayers for the family. Melinda will be missed and remembered by many.
Lynn Kelly (Circle)
Jun 15, 2017
I'm having a hard time of thinking of her as gone. Memories of Melinda and growing up go hand in hand. She remains forever young in my heart and my thoughts, prayers and tears are with you at this time.
Melita Mitchell (Circle , MT)
Jun 15, 2017
Jim, Rachel, Jennifer, Robert, Trevor, Tina and Travis- there are NO words, yet even in writing that I can express my condolences. I just can NOT even fathom losing a sister, much less a child! We weren't always real close, but always caught each other... I will always miss her silly little giggle I wish you all the better in many hard days to come... Melita
Ron Arthur (Culbertson , Montana )
Jun 15, 2017
So sorry to hear about your loss of your daughter. Prayers being sent your way.
Lori Cooper (Independence, Oregon)
Jun 16, 2017
Jim, Rachel and Jennifer- I am so very sorry to hear the news about Melinda. I hope that time will somehow bring some sort of peace to all of you. My thoughts and prayers are with you. Much love and peace- Lori
Michele Mickolio (Miles City, MT)
Jun 18, 2017
Rachel, Jim and Jen, I am so heart broken for you. You have been in my thoughts and prayers ever since I heard of our worlds loss. I have found found memories and lots of them! She was one of a kind. I still remember my first impression of Jen's little sister, Very tough (strong willed is right!) I hope in time you can feel a glimpse of peace knowing she is at home in eternity with our loved ones. I found this the other day and it is so true: I keep busy with the things I do but when I pause I think of you. Take Care, God Bless you. I will see you soon. Love Chele
Rachael Derry
Jun 18, 2017
My deepest condolences to your family. May God be with you, and so are my prayers
Patty Dietz (Billings, Mt)
Jun 21, 2017
So sorry to read of Milinda's passing.
Prayer for all of you. Patty Dietz
Elaine Lambert
Jun 25, 2017
I wanted to express my heartfelt condolences to all of Melinda's family. For right now there's no detour around grief, no shortcut through mourning. However, 2 Cor.4:7 says that God can give us, "... power beyond what is normal ", to go from one day to the next. This does not mean that we no longer cry or that we forget, but it means we recover. The reason we recover is because of our hope. Jesus Christ talked about our hope in John 5:28, "... all those in the memorial tomb will hear his voice and come out ". Jesus was referring to the resurrection, this is our amazing hope! The Bible likens our hope to an anchor. Just like an anchor stabilizes a ship., our hope stabilizes us, keeps us from feeling a sadness that's overwhelming. 2 Cor. 1:3 describes our Creator as, "... the God of all comfort ". One way that God comforts us is by moving people who care about us to give us words of encouragement that we need to hear. May the God of comfort be your comfort now during this time of sorrow. For Bible answers to life's big questions please visit