Fulkerson - Stevenson Funeral Home
Donald E. Johnson
October 26, 2016
Place of Birth: Torning Twp, Swift, Minnesota
Residence: Brockton, Montana
Age: 91
David & Edith Anderson
Oct 31, 2016
We will always remember Don's visits to Michigan and our visits to Montana, the phone calls, and time we were able to spend with Don over the years. He was especially helpful in knowing some of the family history of his uncles and aunts. We always enjoyed the cowboy themed Christmas Cards he would send every year. He will be missed.
Carol Kopp Burns
(Mankato, Minnesota)
Nov 13, 2016
Don was a distant cousin of mine. His father and my mother were cousins. I remember his smile and his gentle nature each time he visited. His memory remains in my heart.