Fulkerson - Stevenson Funeral Home
Kenneth Peterson
February 7, 2019
Place of Birth: Minnesota
Residence: Bismarck, ND formerly of Tioga, ND
Age: 77
Jeffery Herman
(Bismarck, North Dakota)
Feb 14, 2019
It saddens me to see that Kenny passed away. I always got along well with Kenny, and he always treated me good for a young man trying to make a go of it in the oil field. Old Rig 22. I know he had a lot of down sides in his life, and I hope he made peace with those. I wish I had known he was here in Bismarck as I could have went and talked to him enlightening him with some old rig stories. God Bless and Godspeed.
Dian Kemper
(Owensville, MO.)
Feb 18, 2019
Brad, We we’re sorry to hear of your Dad’s passing. Sending sympathies to you and your family.
Daryle and opal holte
(Tioga, Nd)
Feb 19, 2019
We are sorry to hear of your dads passing our deepest sympathy to you and all of Kenneth’s family
Opal and Daryle
DeeDee Jensen
(Mohall, Nd)
Feb 23, 2019
We will certainly miss you Uncle Kenny. Great memories of so much fun and giggles.
Sincere Sympathy