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Fulkerson - Stevenson Funeral Home

Robert Earl Ross
12.1.1942 - July 15, 2020

Place of Birth: Watford City, North Dakota
Residence: Williston, North Dakota
Age: 77

Randy Jarmin (Stanley, ND)
Jul 15, 2020
I remember the good times working for Bob in his pest control business (ACE PEST CONTROL) also the many great yrs of bowling with Bob where I got the nick name of ACE

Larry Granbois (Trenton, ND)
Jul 15, 2020
I'm so sorry to hear of Bob passing. My condolences to all of his family.
Pat Lucy (Williston, ND)
Jul 17, 2020
My condolences to Bob's family. I'm very sorry for your loss. I'd call on Bob at his office in Alex occasionally. He always made me feel welcome and made time to visit with me for a few minutes.
OWEN & Debbie Hanson (Reno, NV)
Jul 17, 2020
Our deepest sympathy to you in your great loss of your Dad. Hugs to you!

OWEN & Debbie
Jerry Kram (Williston, North Dakota)
Jul 17, 2020
Our sympathy goes out to Bob’s family. I have many memories of both working for him, and stopping in at his office in Alexander for sales calls which were more like friendly visits. God bless you in your time of grief.
Wanda M Miller (Fairview, MT)
Jul 28, 2020
I have so many memories of working for Bob & Florence at BOS & R&M. Leslie, my favorite was doing books in Alexander & you & Michelle, who were just little kids, explaining to me how to figure the gas production on each well. You both had the formulas memorized! Bob was a little rough around the edges but his heart was big & he helped many who were down on their luck & needed a helping hand. Sending hugs & sympathy to all of Bob’s family. May God bless & comfort you.