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Fulkerson - Stevenson Funeral Home

Mary Ann Cecelia Joyce
2.27.1936 - August 30, 2022

Place of Birth: Jamestown, North Dakota
Residence: Tioga, North Dakota
Age: 86

Carole Rohde (Tioga, ND)
Aug 31, 2022
Mary Ann was a very kind and sweet lady. I enjoyed working with her when we taught at Central together. Always loved it when she came to our summer teacher get togethers. Honor her life with your treasured memories. My thought and prayers are with you as you mourn your great loss. Carole
Desiree Hanson (Tioga)
Aug 31, 2022
I am so terribly sorry for your loss. Your mom was a very kind and sweet lady. She will certainly be missed.
Penny Lalim (Williston, ND)
Aug 31, 2022
I am so sorry to hear of Mary Ann's passing. What a special lady she was. My family really appreciated her for helping my mother out by getting her mail for her and occasional errands. My thoughts and prayers are with you all!
Deborah Wise (JAMESTOWN, ND)
Aug 31, 2022
In this time of sorrow, know your friends are with you.
Jill Mechelke
Aug 31, 2022
So sorry to hear of your loss. What a beautiful wife, mother, teacher, and friend… Mary Ann touched so many lives, always remembered, hugs and prayers.
Marilyn Larson
Sep 7, 2022
My most heartfelt condolences to Mary Ann's entire family..(that was hard, as I only referred to her as Mrs. Joyce whenever we saw each other.) It was because of my respect for her as an educator and particularly as a fellow 6th grade instructor. I was a substitute teacher in her classroom on occasion. I learned by following her plans for the day, she ran a "tight ship".... her students were expected to work hard but she was fair. She instilled in them the drive to perform at THEIR best. As I later also found myself in a sixth grade classroom, her methods came to mind. I, too, was fair, but firm. I gave respect and received ...There is a special way to meet sixth graders at their level...once achieved, teaching them flowed more easily.
I would meet Mrs. Joyce in the Post Office frequently while teaching and she would always ask how it was going with my classroom. She was still encouraging me and offering advice... I attribute a great deal of my success in sixth grade by her example... She still had a wonderful smile after all her years in education...She was in her true profession. I'm so fortunate to have known this wonderful woman! (I think I proofread this many times! Aside from finger accidentally touching wrong letter, I don't want any typos for the late infamous educator..apologies if it happened.)