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Fulkerson - Stevenson Funeral Home

Genevieve Madge Weber
11.13.1936 - November 2, 2022

Place of Birth: Fairview, Montana
Residence: Alexander, North Dakota
Age: 85

Eldean &Sandy. Flynn (Cartwright , ND)
Nov 3, 2022
Phil W Cotter (Billings, MT)
Nov 3, 2022
Artie Pam and families thinking of you at this time Gods Blessings Phil an Debbi
Jerry and Renee Rogers (Stillwater, Oklahoma)
Nov 3, 2022
Rest In Peace, sweet lady. You will be missed.
Linda Stevens (EPPING, ND)
Nov 4, 2022
Pam, Artie and families: I am so sorry for your loss! What a sweetie Gen was. Please know you are in my thoughts and prayers.
Violet Tharp
Nov 4, 2022
Prayers. She was one of my favorite customers at JC Penneys in Sidney.
Marilyn (Pinehurst, Idaho)
Nov 4, 2022
I am going to miss many things that Gen and I shared, although there were many miles between us. She was 20 years old than me but we talked 2 to 3 times a week on the phone. Had many laughs and shared many recipes. I am going to truly miss my one an only sister. Marilyn