Fulkerson - Stevenson Funeral Home
Mary Jo Solberg
December 22, 2022
Place of Birth: Sidney, Montana
Residence: Williston, North Dakota
Age: 70
Cindy Christian
(Wolf Point, MT)
Dec 27, 2022
Arnie, Nikki & family - My deepest condolences to you all. May you feel the arms of Jesus surround you in love and healing.
Sandra Welnel Miller
(Sidney , Mt)
Apr 1, 2023
So sorry to hear about Mary Jo, her parents and mine visited often while they were here and mostly that I can remember Cartwright N.D. After they moved we didn't keep in touch much and then we heard that they were in Wolf Point. Art came to see us when he was driving bus and after that we heard he had passed. I was shocked to hear that Mary Jo was in Wolf Point, I'd loved to stop and see her and catch up on all the news. May the Lord Bless you all. Love to all. Sandi and Jim Miller