Fulkerson - Stevenson Funeral Home
Granvil Edward Teasley
May 19, 2023
Place of Birth: California
Residence: Watford City, North Dakota
Age: 72
Nathan Thibodeau
May 22, 2023
It was such an honor for me to meet and get to know Gran a little bit during his short time here in Watford City. Your family remains in my prayers during this difficult time.
Mark Honstein
(Watford City, North Dakota)
May 23, 2023
So shocked to hear about his passing. Truly a good man. I enjoyed our many conversations on the way to appointments with him. He will be missed. Prayers for the family & all those who knew and loved him.
Nikki Rodriguez
(Watford City, ND)
May 29, 2023
Dad, I cannot begin to understand how you left us so suddenly. We miss you terribly and I promise to take care of Mom and this family.
Your favorite,