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Fulkerson - Stevenson Funeral Home

Ricky J. Snyder
8.1.1958 - June 29, 2023

Place of Birth: Germany
Residence: Williston, ND
Age: 64

Daniel Barkie (Williston, ND)
Jun 30, 2023
I’m so sorry for your loss of a son, brother, grandpa and uncle. May he rest in peace until we meet again!!
Ana Zilar (Salem , Oregon )
Jul 1, 2023
My condolences to the family. Prayers of my heart felt sympathy goes out to you all. I only got to meet Rick once, but I could tell he was a sweetheart.. He was happy to have met the mother of his oldest granddaughter on his son's side. I've stayed friends with him on fb and wished him the best. I had no idea he was sick . God Speed, til we meet again. RIP Rick ??
Mrs. Ann Spell
Jul 1, 2023
Life is just too short, no matter the years, leaving only memories. May those countless, fine memories of Mr. Snyder forever warm your heart and bring smiles to your face, even behind tears shed. May you find comfort in knowing that death was never God’s plan. (Gen. 1:28; Rom. 5:12) God assures us that one day death will be no more. (Rev.21:4) That loved ones will be resurrected (Acts 24:15) That we can live forever in paradise, on earth. (Ps. 37:11,29)

Veda Barnett (Keizer, Oregon )
Jul 1, 2023
May u rest in peace
Bev (Novak) Breivik
Jul 1, 2023
Oh my goodness, so sorry to hear. My sincere sympathy to you all
Theresa Martinson (Williston, ND)
Jul 2, 2023
Am so sorry for your lost he was a good man
Andrea Pannone (Stamford, CT)
Jul 3, 2023
Sending all of my love back home to my family. Sad I can't be there. Love you uncle!