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Fulkerson - Stevenson Funeral Home

Russel Bradley Anderson
3.14.1985 - July 24, 2023

Place of Birth: Sidney, MT
Residence: Sidney, Montana
Age: 38

Mary Norgard (Fairview , Mt)
Jul 28, 2023
Shawn and the rest of Russels family, I am saddened to hear of your loss. My thoughts love hugs and prayers are with you all.
Brandie & Art Herman (Sidney, Montana )
Jul 29, 2023
So very sorry for your loss. Some people are taken earlier than you expect.
Chris & TanyaDee Dietz (Mandan, ND)
Jul 31, 2023
So very sorry, our deepest sympathy to you all.
Kehanna Johnston (Sidney, Montana)
Jul 31, 2023
Russel always had a smile on his face and a joke to tell. He was the classic class clown at every party. I remember Jeremy and I years ago got into a huge fight, I went over to Rodney’s house and there was Russel, he handed me a beer and proceeded to tell me tears were not allowed here and told me jokes until I was laughing and tears had dried up. When Jeremy and I started a family, our party days slowed down and I only saw Russel a handful of times. When we did see each other we would catch up and talk about life. This last time I saw him he was excited about how things were finally looking up and he was so excited. This was earlier this month. My condolences and prayers go to all of you. He was definitely a huge personality that made a lot of impact on a lot of lives and he will truly by missed. I have a lot of photos from back in the day that I will be going through and getting to you all.
Deana Carranza (Sidney, MT)
Aug 1, 2023
Brad,Shawn,Ronnie and family,
My heart breaks for your loss. My deepest condolences to everyone who loves Russell.
Berg family
Aug 3, 2023
Sending our deepest condolences to the Anderson family. Russel will be missed. Praying for all of Russel's extended family. Extra prayers sent for the babies and Lillian.