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Fulkerson - Stevenson Funeral Home

Elaine H Halvorson
4.9.1930 - August 3, 2023

Place of Birth: Niobe, North Dakota
Residence: Williston, North Dakota
Age: 93

Chelsey Johnson
Aug 3, 2023
Love you Grandma Elaine. Loved watching Vikings and the twins with you. Never did understand what was going on. Watched a lot of metv and hallmark movies with you. Will always remember the brownies you made.
Paula Hansen Schilke (Williston)
Aug 3, 2023
My sympathy is with your family at this very sad time. Take Care.
Tom & Rhonda Gilbert (Williston , ND)
Aug 4, 2023
Sure going to miss that smile and laugh. Got to visit her few times couple months ago she was always fun to be around. Wonderful person. Love and prayers to our friends and the family.
Joyce Montgomery (Fargo, ND)
Aug 5, 2023
Condolences to Elaine Halvorson family. She was a great friend, neighbor and lady. I will miss her immensely, but have wonderful memories of great times together.
Evelyn Le Clair (Parshall, nd)
Aug 6, 2023
Dear Karla and family, Dick and I send our condolences to you.
Janice (Mischke) Moody (Battleview, North Dakota)
Aug 7, 2023
Our Thoughts and Prayers are with you Babe, Alyce, and family in the loss of your Mother
Jan Sell (Fargo, ND)
Aug 7, 2023
Elaine was honestly one of my favorite customers in my 21 years at First International Bank. She loved her family so deeply and loved telling me about them. She certainly lived a full blessed life. Thinking of all of you during this difficult time. Truly a life well lived. Jan Sell
Jim &YVONNE LINDQUIST (Bismark , N dak)
Aug 7, 2023
Uff da as you would say my dear lady and cousin, I can't even begin with all the memories your family and ours had. From the bike shop to your house to our house to Black Tail to camping and everything in-between you will be so missed my heart is full of sadness, but you will be with Arnie to carry on till we get there to all the kids our thoughts and prayers are with you that's for sure rock on lovely lady.
Mary Gross (Minot)
Aug 7, 2023
Dakota, I am so sorry about your loss! Please know my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
Val and Joe Trumpower
Aug 7, 2023
Our condolences to Elaine's family. I had the pleasure of visiting with her at different times through the years, and she always had a smile on her face.
Monica Essen Haskin (Williston , ND)
Aug 7, 2023
I am so deeply saddened to hear of Elaine’s passing. She was always such a hoot. Quite a few years ago, Elaine, Deann, & myself were visiting one night, through conversation we discovered that we are related. You all are in my thoughts and prayers. I pray for peace for everyone as she is with Arnie again. Hold your memories close. RIP Elaine.
Monica Essen Haskin
Rachel Hennessy (Williston, ND)
Aug 8, 2023
Thinking of you all. She was a lovely lady and will be so deeply missed.
Jeanne Knudsvig (Williston)
Aug 8, 2023
Our prayers & thoughts are with all of you! Keep her memories close to your hearts to help you through the days ahead...
Sincere sympathy
Jeanne & Darrin
Joan and Scott (Springbrook, ND)
Aug 9, 2023
Our prayers and sympathy to the Halvorson Family. Elaine was a very special lady. Hold your memories close and know we are thinking of you.
Mike & Sandy Bertelsen (Dickinson, ND)
Aug 10, 2023
So sorry for this loss of a great woman and wonderful friend.