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Fulkerson - Stevenson Funeral Home

Webster K Thackeray
8.9.1926 - January 6, 2024

Place of Birth: Havre, Montana
Residence: Sidney, Montana
Age: 97

Maxine (Stoner, Montana)
Jan 8, 2024
I am so sorry for your loss. So enjoyed Web and Charlotte my years at The Lodge. Wonderful friendship they gave me. Sending Love, Hugs and Prayers to all of the family.
Connie Angel (Sidney, MT)
Jan 8, 2024
My condolences to Kay Hatter and family and Glen Thackeray & family. Web was such a sweet man and so kind. I was privileged to have known him. He will truly be missed. Prayers for all.
Marilyn Usselman (Fairview, MT)
Jan 8, 2024
Web was the nicest man. He will be missed
Doug Hettich
Jan 12, 2024
My deepest condolences and sympathy to the Thackeray Family and to Kay (Patrick) Hatter.
Dick and Carol Scheetz
Jan 13, 2024
So sorry to hear of your Dad's passing. Our thoughts and prayers are with you at this time.
Penny Childers Johnson (Sidney, MT.)
Jan 14, 2024
Web was always so kind and always had a smile. Enjoyed Web and Charlotte when they lived at the Lodge. Sorry for your loss Kay and Glen and family.
Sharon Molitor Day (Havre, MT)
Jan 15, 2024
When I saw Web’s picture I cried, he and Charlotte were such good neighbors…on good ole Bullhook Rd. Be sure to let us know when the burial will be in Havre. Fond thoughts and memories of all of you. Sharon
Darrin Boss (Havre, MT)
Jan 18, 2024
SO many wonderful stories and memories of working NARC cow days at the ranch. We were never hungry, never left stranded with a flat tire or never departed without great conversation!
Kathy Jensen (Billings, MT)
Jan 18, 2024
Ron and I send our condolences to you. We both enjoyed Web, his kind spirit, sparkle in his eyes, and wonderful smiles. He did good. Kathy
Susie Erickson (Sidney, Mt., Mt)
Jan 22, 2024
Dear Kay and family, Sincere sympathy from the family of Dale Erickson. Our hearts and prayers are with all of you. What an amazing life he had.
Deb Cavanaugh (Seeley Lake, MT)
Jan 23, 2024
So sorry about your father Kay. You will be in my prayers.
Cherie Brost Gatzke (Sidney, MT)
Jan 23, 2024
My sympathies to the Thackeray family. It's a small world from our beginnings in Havre to Sidney. Will be thinking of you & the family.
Susie Erickson (Sidney, Mt., Montana)
Jun 10, 2024
Dear Kay and family, sending sincere love and condolences from the Dale Erickson family.