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Fulkerson - Stevenson Funeral Home

Nancy Ann Schooley
9.28.1950 - January 30, 2024

Place of Birth: Gregory, South Dakota
Residence: Alexander, North Dakota
Age: 73

Linda Knudtson (Watford City, ND)
Feb 1, 2024
Eternal rest grant unto her O Lord and let perpetual light shine upon her. May she rest in peace.
I so enjoyed our visits about Jesus and our loved ones in heaven. We are keeping our eyes focused on Jesus, so we can see you again, Nancy. Such a beautiful friend. You will be missed!
Sarah Skarda (Watford City, ND)
Feb 5, 2024
Shawn, Janet, Chris, Dana and families- I am so very sorry for your loss of sweet Nancy. She was truly one-of-a-kind and I will miss her greatly at GSH. She loved you and your families SO much. Sending thoughts and prayers your way.