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Fulkerson - Stevenson Funeral Home

Theodore "Ted" Reitz
1.4.1941 - March 31, 2024

Place of Birth: Sidney, Montana
Residence: Sidney, Montana
Age: 83

Betty Joslin Erlandsen (New Hope, MN)
Apr 2, 2024
My deepest sympathy to the family of Teddy. He and my brother Steve could empathize with each other during their last days. They can continue to coffee in that home in the beyond..
Lynn& Linda Powers
Apr 3, 2024
Our sincere condolences to all of Ted’s family and friends. Always enjoyed visiting with Ted.
Bill Iversen (Sidney, MT)
Apr 4, 2024
He was a good neighbor to have. I remember quite a few early mornings after we would get our water set we would lean on a pickup truck box and have a quick chat. My condolences to Bev and the family.