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Fulkerson - Stevenson Funeral Home

Nancy Annette Herkimer
5.28.1963 - March 30, 2024

Place of Birth: Sidney, Montana
Residence: Sidney, Montana
Age: 60

Marilyn and Bryce Witt (Sidney , MT)
Apr 2, 2024
Sorry for your loss. Prayers for family and friends.
Darlene Klein (Laurel , MT )
Apr 2, 2024
Condolences to the family, prayers and hugs. She will be missed.
Dave Johnson (Billings, Montana)
Apr 2, 2024
Jim and Nancy's family,
My heart goes out to all of you. Nancy was a very special lady, all of you are in my thoughts and prayers.
Stephanie Ler (Sidney, MT)
Apr 3, 2024
I worked with Nancy in different capacities over the last decade. She was warm, loving and wonderful.
Smokey (St paul, Mn)
Apr 4, 2024
Jim and family sorry for your loss she was a sweet person RIP
Violet Tharp
Apr 4, 2024
My condolences to the family. I remember Nancy coming to JCP after school to do her homework until her mom got off work. May God continue to bring comfort as He heals us in His own way in His own time.
Laurie Cline (Fairview, Mt)
Apr 21, 2024
Beautiful lady inside and out! Rest in peace Nancy!
Kathy M Tobiason (Sidney, MT)
Apr 24, 2024
So very sorry for the loss of your loved one. My deepest sympathy to you.