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Fulkerson - Stevenson Funeral Home

Heidi Marie Lee
1.18.1978 - April 26, 2024

Place of Birth: Williston, North Dakota
Residence: Williston, North Dakota
Age: 46

Amanda Sawyer (Olney, Illinois)
Apr 29, 2024
You will be miss!! Fly high and watch over us.
Billie Jo Seabaugh (St Joseph , Missouri )
Apr 29, 2024
You were the sweetest person ever and definitely will be missed...R.I.P beautiful
Christopher Bauer (Anchorage, Alaska)
Apr 29, 2024
For only meting you once, you left everyone in your life happy and filled with love...I see it in Jackie's Family and Kids...

I wish I knew you more, but I know you meant the world to many...

You will forever be missed and loved.
Monica Lambert (Williston, ND)
Apr 30, 2024
As we say ‘Goodbye for now ~~ see you later” to my niece Heidi, I just know there are friends and family on the other side shouting “Here she comes!!!” I love and miss you Heidi
Marla Knutson (Williston, Nd)
Apr 30, 2024
Heidi O, I enjoyed working with at Bethel. While working at Walmart you always had a beautiful smile. You will be missed. Thoughts and prayers to your family.
Cindy Brevik (Epping, North Dakota)
May 1, 2024
Oh were so much fun. We had a lot of laughs and shared few recipes. So glad we were able to share the laughter together. Miss you.....
Watch over the rest of us crazy people down here! Love Ya...Gma Salty (you always called me this...even 3 or more aisles away)
Michelle Stephens (Alexander, ND)
May 1, 2024
I enjoyed working with you Heidi!! You always put a smile on my face and everyone else's. You will be missed dearly. Enjoy heaven....until we all see you again.....
Nikol (williston, ND)
May 2, 2024
Fly high angel! Watch over us! I will never forget you! Thank you for helping me through my roughest moment in life! I'll miss you!!!!
Jerry Morton (OK)
May 2, 2024
Proud to have called Heidi a sister. There is no doubt this world will be darker without her in it.