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Fulkerson - Stevenson Funeral Home

Irene Caroline Freed
10.19.1944 - July 12, 2024

Place of Birth: Williston, North Dakota
Residence: Williston, North Dakota

Butch Hansen (Williston , ND)
Jul 12, 2024
Will miss seeing you when I stop by Irene. You always were kind and welcomed me in your home. Prayers for the whole family.
John Vickery (Williston, ND)
Jul 12, 2024
My heart goes out to Irene's family. She was a joy to visit with, and always had a warm smile for me. May God be with you all, and may He ease your sorrow. Our condolences.
Debbie n Smoke Collier (Williston, ND)
Jul 13, 2024
Irene was a great lady til we meet again RIP
Harlan, Tammy and Family (williston, nd)
Jul 13, 2024
Dear Reed Family
I'm so saddened to hear of Irene's death. She was one of a kind. RIP Irene!! Say hi to Debby and Cheryl, Alan, Eddie, etc.